Friday, January 28, 2011

Cornish Wants Level 2 Sex Offenders Listed Online The Cost!! $200,000.00 plus

With over 200 Level Three Sex Offenders on the Minnesota Dept of Corrections Web Site, Rep. Tony Cornish, a Republican and the Lake Crystal police Chief wants to add more than 1200 new people to the list.  The cost of this would be around $250,000.00 to start and more than likely hit around $750,000.00 in just a few years.
This is no more than a political move, it’s a scare tactic used by politicians when they are running for office or need something to show them in a good public view.  We sent Rep. Cornish an email asking him the real cost and why is he doing this.  We have not received an answer, and we don’t expect one.  To put these offenders on a web site is not just paying a person to sit there and type names.  It would involve hundreds of State and Local employees.  Most Police Departments are working on small budgets, but we are sure Rep Cornish would not mind taking more of your money to pay them
This is just one of those many State politicians who are not in it for the job of representing the people, but a politician who runs on W.I.F.M.  What’s In It For Me.
Rep Cornish,
We are wondering what you are really doing for the voters of Minnesota? What are you doing to bring jobs to Minnesota?  What are you doing about the growing Illegal Immigration problem in Minnesota?  What are you doing about Taxes in Minnesota?  What are you doing to bring business to Minnesota?  What are you doing about Education in Minnesota?
The Minnesota Dept of Corrections is doing a good job, please do yours.  That job is to help us in this horrible economy not to think you can scare us.  We are scared enough about where our next check is coming from and how we are going to feed our family.
 My site was nominated for Best Political Blog!

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